Stepping Out

I feel like I’ve been introducing myself quite a lot lately.   I’ve been putting my voice out there.  My opinion and my all into my community, which for me is a very hard thing to do.

Why? Because I fear judgement.  I didn’t exactly see the reasoning behind making friends or more friends than the ones I cherish now.  But I’m an action type of person.  I see a problem and I immediately start working on ways to solve or spread some understanding.

So I’ve been speaking out more.  I’ve been spreading my opinion after careful careful thought on some heavy issues.

Outside of that, I’ve been stepping out and just introducing myself.

I guess if you want to go real deep and have a spiritual analysis, I am finally comfortable with myself to share myself a bit.

Although every time I do there is anxiety.  There’s doubt.  There’s second, third and fourth thoughts after I do it.  But I become a little braver each time I can receive a little of people who say,

“I get it.  I understand you.  I agree.”

Now I know there will come a time when someone will not believe in what I do, you since we’re all individuals, but I’m hoping I can still stick up to my thoughts.

I’ve gone so long with just going with the flow and basically being a people pleaser with no real opinions, I treasure the moments when I can say,

“This is how I feel.  This is my thoughts. Like it or not.”







Such a massive intensity to this small word.

At first I fought with alone. It was negative. I hated it. I didn’t want it.

Now, I feel peace when I hear it.  I feel growth when it comes. I see becoming myself.

I feel like this year is pushing me to be alone so I can finally be myself.

Be me without the weight of seemingly loving eyes.

I can do things without the excuse of “they didn’t want to do it.” 

I can be comfortable with myself and really hear what God and His guides send me.

If feel like I have to be alone before I can be apart of others anything.

It doesn’t mean if I choose to do an activity and someone wants to join I’ll say no, it means the activity will still take place even if they don’t join.

So cheers to the journey that is 2016.


From My Heart To You



I don’t want to stay
But you’ll make me anyway
I guess I’ll just have to wait
Wait ’till it’s all okLiving with the guilt
That I should owe you still
But promises can kill
And I promise you this will
Barely holding on,
don’t know how I’ve for so long
When everything feels wrong
and everything that’s right’s gone

Keep my heart wrapped in chains
I don’t need it anyway
I’m just gonna need a name
Anything left you can take

I wish I could leave
And take my heart with me
But you won’t let it go
So I’ll let it go

If everybody knew
the things I know of you
Why I’m staying if it’s true,
oh I must be a fool
Taking pieces of my soul,
I don’t really need it whole
Just enough to know
that I’ve got enough to go

Keep my heart wrapped in chains
I don’t need it anyway
I’m just gonna need a name
Anything left you can take